Budget Worksheet
Use the Debt Settlement Options calculator to determine how a consumer proposal might look for your situation. Simply enter the total amount of your unsecured debt (credit card balances, lines of credit, retail cards, income taxes owing etc.) and the calculator will show you what your total cost to repay and your “Cost per month” would be over a 60-month period.
Then fill in a budget sheet based on your current situation (including paying monthly minimums on credit card debt etc.), and another one based on a consumer proposal as shown by the calculator, and see the difference a proposal might make to your monthly cash flow.
Download the Monthly Budget Worksheet here.
Download the Monthly Proposal Worksheet here.
Divorce and Debt: Solutions to Protect Assets
For those unfortunate Canadians who owe significant personal debt, there is often a background story or some triggering event that helped lead to that situation. Say a job loss or …